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Elder woman and her caretaker




Supervised services are provided twenty-four hours a day by direct support professional staff members who have expertise in working with individuals with mild to moderate behaviors, substance abuse and/or emotional issues which may be inclusive of being oppositional and defiant. In targeting services to our intellectual disabilities population, the choice of and admission to services will be determined jointly by the person seeking services and Anointed Hands, LLC.


  • Programming includes behavioral modification, recreation and other activities designed to enhance each individual's psychological well-being, such as communication Skills, anger management, and conflict resolution skills.

  • Additionally, training is provided in daily living skills, such as self-care, food preparation, housekeeping, money management, learning to use public transportation, and identifying and utilizing community resources.

  • Individuals will also be involved in public and community based programs and services that allow them to participate in and/or to receive training, and to acquire the necessary skills or services to improve their educational or vocational/employment outcomes and prospects, respectively.

Man with Down Syndrome Playing Violin
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